Assassins Creed – My Theory

Okay so I’m really high right now, and I started replaying all the currently released Assassins Creed games, and I started to think deeply into the story line (I’ve already read several of the books as I really enjoy the story line as a whole), what if the people who are creating assassins creed (Ubisoft) are the Assassins Order? And that their games are just one huge hidden message out there for those enlightened enough to discover it. What if “Abstergo” or the Knights Templar, really is the “Illuminati” or just the government as a whole, it is slightly possible.

Every single theory about the knights templar always leads to them protecting or defending a sacred treasure, some unknown artefact  what if thats how the government do have the Apple of Eden and are using it to control the entire population, you’re brought up to obey laws that you don’t even understand, go through education, get a job, pay your taxes, everything you do with your life supplies the higher power with more power and wealth, yet nobody seems to bat an eye lid at it?

Every type of conspiracy theory can be put together to make one whole complete story, take the Matrix for example, that can be tangled in with my Assassins Creed theory, the Apple of Eden is used to create a matrix for humanity, it creates environments that breed crime or people educated enough to get a job and work to pay taxes, but being in school, college and university they never educate you more than what they have to, so you pass your exams, this is what the higher power wants, slaves who are clever enough to work machines and do paper work, but nothing more.

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